Jiaye Shao's Albums

Cover of An Album of Jiaye Shao's Photos

An Album of Jiaye Shao's Photos

Liaoning People's Publishing House, 1993

ISBN 7-205-02737-3/J.43

This album and its photos highlight the artistic prowess Jiaye Shao possessed for landscape photography, which was what made him so renowned. His photography skillfully captures the beauty of the various landscapes found in Wenzhou and around China, portraying everything from dramatic mountain peaks to serene, mist-shrouded rivers.

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Cover of the Italian version of An Album of Jiaye Shao's Black and White Photos

An Album of Jiaye Shao's Black and White Photos (Italy Version)


The photos in this album were part of "Jiaye Shao's Black and White Photography Art Exhibition" that was displayed both in the China Academy of Art and in the Trento Museum in Italy.